Project #7889 — iteration #1139

Minted on January 26, 2022 at 02:19

Art by Littlesilver
Code by Nicthib and Mark Knol

This project borrows assets from BAYC #8082 as permitted by ownership copyright, but is not affiliated with BAYC in any way. Big thanks to Ciphrd for permitting the use of fxhash logos and also in no particular order to Yazid, M.J. Lindow, Andreas Rau, Lisa Orth, Punevyr, Jim The Bim, William Zancan, Random Combo, Ciphrd, Sableraph, wblut, Mark Knol, Landlinesart and again Ciphrd for giving permission to take inspiration from or directly use their art.

Dedicated to the whole fxhash community and in particular to people that ape in.

Minted Price1 TEZCreator
Gibberish Umbra
Gibberish Umbra
Lower is rarer
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