AI Dreams for My Drone Sister 2.0

AI Dreams for My Drone Sister 2.0

222.22 TEZ

1/22 minted

open marketplace

Project #27404

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Prerendered components

AI Dreams for My Drone Sister 2.0 is a research project developed by Anna Nazo as part of the Web3 for the Arts and Culture (WAC) Fellowship, supported by the Tezos Foundation.

This project operates as a case study to explore Web3 AI-Neurotech performance art with visitor participation in virtual environments, using 360-degree imaging that are turned into generative NFTs. It is created in collaboration with the developer Vincent Rebers of the Bureau of Extraordinary Affairs, New Art City virtual gallery, and the Tezos-based platform fx(hash).

Culminated in a virtual exhibition and, its first in a series, NFTs drop, it will be launched on Tuesday 30th May 2023 at 18:02 BST with a limited edition of 22 NFTs. The proceeds from this project are dedicated to support an impact-driven collaborative art-research project SWERVE.

SWERVE investigates radically different ethical-aesthetic narrative ecologies in collaboration with Indigenous communities, enabling critical cross-cultural ways of knowledge production through innovative storytelling in more than human worlds. It was initiated in 2021 as part of the Terra Carta Design Lab, a competition to develop solutions to the climate crisis, conceived by King Charles III and Sir Jony Ive within the Sustainable Markets Initiative.

Using the New Art City virtual environment as an entry point, AI Dreams for My Drone Sister 2.0 allows the user to navigate the space and choose one video-performance work for each in a series of NFT drops. By clicking on that video and following the link to the fxhash project page, the user can generate a unique NFT. Each NFT contains an excerpt from the initial video-performance, based on the user’s unique hash assigned by the fxhash platform. Each NFT also includes a line of AI poetry linked to the video excerpt generated.

Link to AI Dreams for My Drone Sister 2.0 virtual exhibition space on newart.city: https://newart.city/show/ai-dreams-for-my-drone-sister-2-point-zero

AI Dreams for My Drone Sister 2.0 2023 is Anna Nazo’s first work on the Tezos blockchain and her first project on fxhash.

Anna Nazo is a London-based performance artist whose practice engages computing technologies, AI in contemporary philosophy-poetics and art practice-led science. Her current focus is on AI & narrative ecologies including non-Western onto-epistemologies, neurotechnology, drone storytelling and web3. Anna’s work includes a live phygital audiovisual performance that relies on aviation technology via drones (swarm intelligence), neurotechnology (EEG headsets), spoken word AI poetry, and compound CGI (brainwave imaging, 360-degree imaging, AI-systems). It investigates questions of distributed forms of sensuousness, digital queer ecologies, and ethics of technology.
Over the last 8 years Anna’s professional practice and artistic research have spanned over 13 countries. She has exhibited and performed at globally leading cultural institutions in the UK and internationally including WRO Biennale (2021), FORMAT International Photography Festival (2021), Performistanbul (2020), Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma (2019), National Museum of Art of Latvia/ RIXC Art Science Festival (2019), Angewandte Innovation Laboratory (2019), ArtFutura Festival (2019), Ars Electronica Festival (2018), CRXSS PLATFXRM Festival of Street Culture (2018), Victoria & Albert Museum’s Digital Futures (2016; 2018), MozEx exhibition by the Tate and V&A (2016), Tate Liverpool (2016), NYC Creative Tech Week (2016).
Currently a Research Tutor at the Royal College of Art (UK), Anna is also a founder of SWERVE, an impact-driven collaborative performance art research initiative.

AI Dreams for My Drone Sister 2.0 2023
NFT Edition 1.0 of 22 Unique Generative Performance Works

Artist: Anna Nazo
Developer: Vincent Rebers

Price222.22 TEZMinting opensTicket Grace Period2 days(2)Royalties22.0%(2)Tags
Art & Tech
AI poetry
Brainwave CGI
Drone storytelling
360-degree video
Virtual exhibition
Fundraising for impact
Culture preservation





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