1 TEZ1/128 minted
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Project #29153
Each artwork in this collection is a result of a deliberate pursuit of simplicity. I found inspiration in arranging squares in various compositions, creating a canvas where elegance emerges from the most basic of elements.
"SoacomocaoS" is a product of my fascination with algorithm-generated art, brought to life through the power of JavaScript and p5.js.
'OVERLAY' (Seeds < 25): overlay of squares
'ABSTRACT' (Seeds > 25): vibrant colors and shapes
'GLITCHED' (Seeds > 40): glitched wonders that challenge perception
I carefully curated artist-inspired palettes. These palettes serve as a bridge between my vision and emotions, infusing each pixel with depth and meaning.
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"SoacomocaoS" is a product of my fascination with algorithm-generated art, brought to life through the power of JavaScript and p5.js.
'OVERLAY' (Seeds < 25): overlay of squares
'ABSTRACT' (Seeds > 25): vibrant colors and shapes
'GLITCHED' (Seeds > 40): glitched wonders that challenge perception
I carefully curated artist-inspired palettes. These palettes serve as a bridge between my vision and emotions, infusing each pixel with depth and meaning.
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Price1 TEZ(1)Royalties10.0%(1)Tags
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Minimal art
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