3 TEZ250/250 minted
Project #3779
A random lakeside landscape.
Varies in weather, wind-strength, skycolor and more.
Day/Night cycle based on your local system-time. Click/Tap for day/night change.
Open Live-View and hit 's' to save a high-res image of the current state.
Manual resolution toggle with 'd'.
Manual lake-blurring toggle with 'b'.
- @TeNinEightNFTs
Created with p5.js, p5.createloop and p5.collide2d.
Varies in weather, wind-strength, skycolor and more.
Day/Night cycle based on your local system-time. Click/Tap for day/night change.
Open Live-View and hit 's' to save a high-res image of the current state.
Manual resolution toggle with 'd'.
Manual lake-blurring toggle with 'b'.
- @TeNinEightNFTs
Created with p5.js, p5.createloop and p5.collide2d.