yo (Tsung-yu Lu)

Shaders used in Rose 1851

(Written in both Chinese and English) A group of generative art creators from Taiwan worked on their own work under the theme of #TezBloom and published their work on fxhash at the same time on Oct 1st, 2022. This article mainly introduces the three sets of shaders used in this work, only the principle part, not the details. 一群來自台灣的生成式藝術創作者,以 #TezBloom 為主題各自進行創作並於 2022/10/1 同時間在 fxhash 發表作品,我很榮幸以 Rose 1851 成為其中的一員,並在此分享這個作品的創作心得給其他成員以及各位讀者。 本文主要介紹此作品用到的三組 shaders,僅介紹原理部分,不深入探討細節。

Rose 1851 #58

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