A Daily Journey of Discovery 0.02
Thought it about Time for Another Article, There's been so Many Releases since My Last, which would be a Few Months ago now. Thanks to Everyone who Read or Collected the Last One, Especially to the 'Collector' who took all 94 remaining editions and is trying to Sell them for 1 Tez each, Good Luck with that !! I've been very Busy of Late, We Bought a House and are Renovating like Crazy. Still a Long way to Go though, but it's Great to be back in Our Own Home. Had my Headphones on a lot ( Deadening the sound of Power Tools) and have Worked My way through Every Single Waiting to be Signed, with Will and Trinity . You're doing a great job with the Podcast and have enjoyed them all !! Also found Collectors Corner who do a Weekly Roundup on FX Hash ,Thanks Guys. You can Find both Podcasts on Spotify. So below are some Great Projects you may have Collected or they may have passed you by, some New and some Old, have a Look through and don't Forget to Check out their Other Works. As always Thanks to the Artists, Team and Collectors !!