Interdimensional Highways II #6

created byyenren

owned byoneworld

created byyenren

owned byoneworld

Interdimensional Highways II #6

Project #16544 — iteration #6

Minted on July 18, 2022 at 16:20

Since the discovery of the first Interdimensional Highway, we have been getting better at charting them and improving our understanding of how they function. But we must hurry, because as we continue to prepare our vehicles, our bodies and minds for this one of a kind travel, there's still one question that remains to be answered:

Which will be our fate: to conquer... or to be conquered?

Interdimensional Highways is a two-parts series of generative artwork, showing some of the possible formations of connecting ways between multiple dimensions.

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9 reserved pieces will be sent as gift to collectors who minted 4 or more pieces of Interdimensional Highways I.

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Made by: yenren / twitter.com/yenrenART
Made with: JavaScript + HTML Canvas
License: LICENSE.txt

Minted Price2 TEZCreator
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