Project #12379 — iteration #48

Minted on May 3, 2022 at 21:43

## Flavor text
Supposedly it all started with the Romans. When breaking a mirror your soul would be cursed. Fortunately, the Romans also believed that the soul renews every 7 years. So actually, breaking a mirror brings you at most 7 years of bad luck, but I supposed the "at most" part was dropped because it didn't sound as cool.

## The Algorithm
The mirror shards are created by recursively breaking up a base shape into smaller pieces. Once the mirror is broken each shard is displaced. This is not a packing algorithm.

The texture is created using domain warped Perlin noise.

## Main Features
- 26 color palettes.
- 3 types shape groups (square, 5-10-sided-polygon, circle).
- 4 levels of 'brokenness' -- the number of mirror shards.
- 2 methods for breaking up the shards.

Minted Price1 TEZCreator
Mikkel Hartmann
Lower is rarer
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