Project #10716 — iteration #13

Minted on March 14, 2022 at 15:58

A New World can form out of destruction or creation.

The forms that appear in New World evoke cliffs, islands, and other natural structures, but perspective distortions bend them into a surreal and new computational reality.

The collection was in part influenced by my feelings during the first two weeks of the invasion of Ukraine. It was a time marked by anxiety, uncertainty, and disillusionment. But, New World was also inspired by the hope embodied in my creative process and the genart community. Hence, the collection takes on a double meaning: a new world can form out of destruction or creation.

The collection is completely generative and written with p5.js. It began as an exploration of the dual contouring algorithm and purposefully builds on a bug I introduced when filling the contours by selecting vertices out of winding order.

Dutch Auction: 16xtz -> 12xtz -> 8xtz decreasing every 10 minutes.

5% of the primary sales will be donated to Ukrainian humanitarian aid funds through the contract set up by @ciphrd and @Veqtor.

Key ’s’: Save an image of the output at the current resolution (available once the piece has finished generating)
Key ‘Arrow Up’ & ‘Arrow Down’: Cycle through resolution scaling factors at increments of 1080p. 1080p is the minimum resolution. There is no maximum resolution but loading performance will worsen at higher scaling
Key ‘o’: Toggle the land outlines on or off

Browser Support:
Confirmed to work on desktop browsers (Chrome Version 99.0.4844.51, Safari v15.3, Firefox v98.0) and Safari iOS v14.8

NFT License

Minted Price16 TEZCreator
Lower is rarer
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